I have been on two great shoots: Deer Island, Winthrop, MA (where Lisa lives. Have been there before with her and the kids) and the rooftop of a building at MIT in Cambridge.
The Deer Island shoot, for me, was cut short due to a migraine. I barely made it home without wanting to curl up on the side of the road and let it pass. But below are some images that I got that night.

On Monday we went to Cambridge and the MIT campus. Lots of people. A lot of students surprisingly since it is summer. But maybe not since it IS MIT. To get to the top of the 20 story building I had to take an elevator to the 18th floor, then enter a 3-4 person maximum capacity elevator to the 20th floor. Thank goodness it wasn't a long trip but my claustrophobia was already kicking in. There the views were breathtaking and amazing, as long as I didn't look down, which I did just once to see if being up there for a few hours conquered my fear of heights. It didn't. Finally along the railing and in every crevice were spiders. Like ones with freaking fur and white spots. Which to me meant Brown Racluse. Which I was bitten by in camp in 1998. And for about 4 years, every time I got a good amount of mosquito bites the bite would flare up and become just as gross as the initial bite. I am seriously not even exaggerating. Ask my mother she will tell you. My mom and my cousin Michael would not have liked the rooftop. At first I didn't either. Then, well I set up my tripod and I was fine. Great. Unless a spider was near and then I muttered "damn freaking spiders" to the humor of my classmates. None of them seemed bothered by them. Not even the one to size of a silver dollar on the staircase. I stayed away from said staircase. Ok. Below are some pics from that night. I had a blast with light painting. The one with red and LED light painting I teamed up with Sheryl (who got us on the roof to begin with) and it came out pretty cool.
Finally in between shoots, I went to the farm with Allison and Jasper and bought a ton of organic fruits and veggies that were fantastic. But for the record, homemade organic ravioli from New Hampshire is NOT the same as home made ravioli from NJ or NY. I threw out most of what I cooked except for the two pieces I ate. I also saw Lisa and the kids, in Boston with Grandpa E and Stacy and her daughter Hannah, and later on Lisa came out here to the country with the kids. We went swimming. It was fun. And I was totally wiped out afterwards. But it was great visit. Next we are gearing up for Byl and Jan to come out for a visit. Its going to be a great weekend! OH and I have been interviewing, two scheduled for the next two weeks. But there are NOT a lot of jobs out there. I have applied to every posting I have seen that fits my skill set, and I am sure that there are other well qualified teachers out there looking at the same job. I will not be happy, NOT teaching. But if it comes down to it, can't I be a Suburban Artist full time?
I'm sorry we wiped you out! (Joseph slept all the way home.) Nice pics, by the way. And even if it were the middle of the night, you should have come by if you were sick! We'd have found you a bed 'till you felt better.