Three nice things about this weekend. Bailey dressed up as a squirrel. Byl coming to visit Mike and I. Boston and lunch at a trattoria in the North End.
Bailey is the best dog. She allowed me to dress her up (even though I hate Halloween) as a squirrel. She even tolerated the mask part for about 2.5 seconds. She sat fantastically as if she knew..."If I let Sara take my photos she will take this ridiculous costume off of me." More than once she look at Mike as if to say "Save Me! Good God man!" Here she is in all her cuteness.
After dressing her up in the morning we went to Logan Airport and picked up our friend Byl. I had been looking forward to his visit for over a month! We drove around Boston, giving him a tour and then settled down by the Harbor, on the North End. We walked around what I call, Little Italy (North End), and Byl observed that the streets are so narrow and the buildings old, with flowers and laundry hanging, that it DOES remind one of Italy.... We ate a trattoria, and I had a fantastic mushroom/truffle sauce concoction. We then headed home, humiliated Bailey once more with dressing her up to show Byl, we vegged out and then tried candlepin bowling.
I thought bowling was hard. This was insane. 10 tiny ass pins the size of well pillar candles and a ball the size of a bocce ball. No holes or grooves and you just chuck it down the alley. Or at least I did. First round I beat Mike the next round Mike won. We ended with dinner at Scupper Jacks and vegged out watching "My Life in Ruins" (highly highly recommend) and "Fast and Furious" (not an Oscar winner but full of eye candy). Today, Byl the guy he is, helped us TRY to find a desk. No such luck so the two month quest of findng a desk continues. All in all a fantastic weekend!

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