Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Got My Snow and Other Things

I wanted snow. I love snow. I like running in snow. Rolling in snow. I love to play in snow with my dog, Bailey. And I used to love to play in the snow with good old Maxi (my old dog :( who I loved dearly). Maxi, I used bury her in the snow and she would stay still until I was done then she would bound out of the snow and then rush back in the hole and wait to be buried again.

So while there was snow last weekend it didn't really last. Then Wednesday came. From what everyone has been telling me it wasn't a blizzard. But it looked like one to me. We got about 6 inches in two hours and all the schools around me and up in NH were closed. Except for Littleton. It was open and boy it took me 45 minutes to get there when it normally takes about 5-10 minutes. Watertown had school too, but they are by Boston and got considerably less. I will have to get used to commuting in very bad snow. But I am looking forward to my new job.

Mike was away for most of the week. So the Bailster and I just relaxed and hung out together. She follows me everywhere, which is really cute, until I accidently stepped on her tail. But she still continues to be by my side. I made a ton of jewelry and sold two necklaces on Etsy!

So 7 sales, 5 of which are from people I do know, and 2 are from people I don't know, which is fantastic.  It is making me want to make more jewelry!

The tree is up and looks great, but I don't have a picture yet. See, I ran out of lights so the top 8th of the tree is a bit bare. So once I get the lights, there will be a picture.

Last night we had a great time with Kurt and Allison, and played Apples to Apples which is just one of the best games. Ever. Really.

So, aside from work, which is getting crazier and crazier (thank goodness I am getting out now), things have been pretty good this week. And I made a cake. And cake makes things thismuch better!

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